"Embracing Life in 2011 and Beyond: A "Good News" Symposium"
This symposium was the first of it's kind at the hospital
and I hope that they plan to continue it.
Every one of the speakers was amazing. They each talked about the importance of recognizing different types of stress and realizing that we cannot change others but we can change ourselves and the way we react to our stresses and the way we view our own personal situations. One of the key ideas I took from this all-day event was "Let it GO so you can GROW"--Steve Edgar, "Mr. Terrific"
We can't grow if we harvest hate or hold a grudge. We need to forgive and move-on. I believe this to be 100% true and it takes a bigger person to be able to forgive certain situations. Another theme that I took from the day is that we need to take personal responsibility for the choices we make. It's true that some things are out of our hands but we still make the choice to move on, forgive and learn from our mistakes.
It was a wonderful topic and each of the speakers shared their own life experiences with the topics they spoke about.
If you ever get the chance to partake or attend in an event such as this, I highly recommend going through with it.
It's wonderful and it was certainly emotional for me and for many others in the room.
Everything I learned from this symposium I will carry with me always.
that sounds like a great place to be at everyone needs a little motivation and uplifting
I like the scrapbook blog format you got. Keep it up!
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