Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday's Adventures

I spent the first half of the day with my sister yesterday. It was super fun. First we went to the Cactus Wren, a used bookstore in town. I wanted to take in a few books that either weren't what I thought they were going to be or I had already read and didn't necessarily feel attached to. If you bring in books they give you a credit toward purchases. Cool! We found some books that we might enjoy and then headed out to lunch at the new Ma Rouge coffee shop/cafe in town. After lunch we headed to out favorite antique store in town, Pioneer Crossings where I found a super awesome beach/picnic bag for this summer.

♥ New Read
♥ Caity enjoying her Raspberry Lemonade 
♥ THE most Delicious salad...Italian...something or other?
♥ Carametto latte--Caramel & Amaretto syrup, extremely sweet & delicious. A treat for me since I drink plain 'ol joe all the time.
♥ Super nifty new beach bag--bring on the beach!
♥ First time in my new funky beaded flip flops. I bought them 2 Saturday's ago and wore them for the first time yesterday...totally kill my heels but they are too adorable. I love beaded things :)

There you have it--since I work  nights now I get to chill out during the day until about 2pm. Then I have to get ready for work. Although I'd rather be working mornings and enjoying the rest of the day when I'm off--nights are kind of a nice break. The only thing that sucks is I'm not a night person. I'm up early and am super tired by about mid-day or 4pm...and that's when I have to be at work. But this will only last another week.

Thank goodness.

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