Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Late October...Early November

I don't know exactly what it is about this time of year...but I am totally in love with it. I can break out my scarves, shop for cute boots and new sweaters...wear mittens and enjoy endless cups of coffee sweetened with egg nog, hot chocolate and apple cider. The air is different and southern california smells wonderful and inviting...

Here are a few pics of happenings around Cassie-land lately.

1-5 A trip to Big Bear with Cor to;
-drive our new car
-enjoy the fall leaves
-see how cool Big Bear was compared to Yucca Valley...it was gorgeous!
-hang out for the day :)

6 Beast thinking he's gonna go for a cruise in Cor's lego buggie

7-9 I have been making and signing a whole bunch of Halloween theme deco books--FUN!

I'm sorry that I'm such a bad blogger lately...I really wish I had the time to get back into the swing of blogging. I promise I will not forget about bloggerland. It just might take me a while to catch up.


Janette said...

Oh gasp! Cassie land is beautiful! I must visit!!

Janette, the Jongleur

Jo - Lost in the Haze said...

Ohh, it looks like the most amazing place to visit! <3 What a truly dreamy location!

Lost in the Haze

alex said...

The place looks amazing! And the photos are lovely!

Desert Thrift & Craft Shop