Sunday, May 29, 2011

Crazy Fun Saturday!

1. Stopped by a few yard sales on our way to the swap meet.
     * scored an awesome Coleman camp
       stove and we got it for $3!!

2. Headed on over to the local Swap Meet--love this place!
   I told Cory we should make it an every weekend thing. Super
   cool stuff!

3. Went in search of Horney Toads while we waited for my
   sister in law and the kids to get home from the Grubstakes
   Days Parade.
      * Evan was so excited to show us his new pet! Plus
        we hadn't had a chance to meet their new horses yet.

4. Got home, rested a bit, took a shower and got ready for a
   night out to 29 Palms Theater to see the play "Barbequeing
   Hamlet" with my sister in law and youngest sister.

It was a busy day--and super fun! Hope the wind isn't horrbile today and tomorrow. Why can't the wind just go away on the weekends? The past 3 weekends have just been too windy to do anything outside. It's so frustrating!

At least Saturday was an awesome day.

Do anything fun on your Saturday?!

Share! Share!


oomph. said...

looks like some good markets and yard sales! wish we had some better ones here!

Katie Marie said...

That swap meet looks amazing! I wish we had something like that near me!

Desert Thrift & Craft Shop