Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mom's Day Weekend

Mother's Day weekend was super busy...

1. Clean room, wash laundry...the usual weekend chores.
2. Ride with Brother-in-law and his wife Amber down to Diamond Bar for Cory's cousin, Andrea's Graduation Party--she earned her Masters Degree! Awesome!!

1. Finish up laundry
2. Finish up Mother's day gifts & cards
3. Drop my car off @ Wally World to get 2 new tires
4. BBQ @ Mom's house
5. Go back to Wal-mart to pick up & pay for my tires (I'd rather spend $150.00 on other things, but what can I do?)
6. Start and finish a paper that's due Monday after work...

1. Get to library as soon the doors open to work a little more on paper
2. Work
3. Try to work on paper and somehow finish
4. Class: find out paper is not due until next week...release a HUGE sigh of relief and silently curse @ myself for procrastinating.....
5. Bank
6. Gas
7. Home for Mother's Day dinner and a house full of family
We saw him on our dirt road...as we were leaving for Diamond Bar

...it was a long weekend...
Great memories!

How was your Mother's Day Weekend?


Janette said...

Wally World???! LOL that's a great name! Looks like you had a pretty fantastic weekend! Love that cake plate thingy...nice!

Janette, the Jongleur

Cat said...

I think that you should get a bumper sticker that says "will stop for snakes"...I LOVE that you did this...I totally would have too (a turtle, small furry creature, snake, etc. :)).

xx Cat brideblu

Desert Thrift & Craft Shop