Friday, June 24, 2011

Swap-Bot Bundle

A co-worker introduced me to an awesome and fun website called Swap-Bot and I'm totally addicted! If  you're into crafting, post cards, collecting things, sewing, will love just as much as I do! Right now I'm into swapping postcards--yes you pay for the postage but it's so fun and you meet really cool peeps and learn fun things about new places and get to collect other's art. You have to check it out!

Today, I'm sending out my first real batch of Post cards...and I'm sending one of them to Hong Kong!! Crazy fun!

Can't wait to get snail mail from my swap partners! You never know what's going to be in your mailbox--so exciting!


oomph. said...

this is a great idea! i was in fact trying to set something up like this (among fellow bloggers)so that we could exchange notes, cards, etc...i love getting mail! i'll check this out!

Mikelle Jade said...

oooh very cool. looks like a great batch- you are extremely talented and crafty. Definitely checking this out :)

Cassie Nafziger said...

Oooh! If you set something up like this, I would totally join in the fun!

fashioneggpplant said...

this is so cool! thanks for sharing :)

Magical Daydream said...

Sound like fun! Didn't know there was such a thing :)



oomph. said...

just stopping by to say that i free-handed my tape. they aren't perfect, but i just do the best i can, haha!

Desert Thrift & Craft Shop