Thursday, July 28, 2011

From the Weekend...

Enjoying some joe from the latest addition to my mug collection
Sorry love, but Irwin's is the first face I see when I wake up in the morning. He's always up and ready for the day before I am.

Some recent snail mail I've found in my mailbox ♥
I love the donkey postcard!

Colorful outfit for the weekend :) I've been wearing so much black lately and there is absolutely no reason for it.



Mikelle Jade said...

irwin is so cute. I always want to hug our lizard, too bad they're not huggable, huh?!

Sarah said...

Do I see a William Riker card hidden in there?

Cassie Nafziger said...

Lol, you do! It was a William Ricker deco book that someone sent to me because I wanted to see some examples of decos. I also received one that's been all over the world, lol. There were pages dedicated to Japan, Russia, Germany, Australia...and more. They are really neat and you never know where they're gonna go until they come home to you.

Desert Thrift & Craft Shop