Saturday, August 27, 2011

Awesome DIY Project....

This is my next project!!

I love this idea so much--and I always find really nifty, funky pot holders at thrift stores. I love the different, bright colors and funky patterns!

by Jessica Wilson

I am always looking for fun, crafty and funky ways to brighten spaces and this popped up when I searched one of my favorite websites, the Craftzine Blog

You have no idea how excited I am about this...I will keep you updated :)

Have an awesome weekend!


Mikelle Jade said...

oh my, so cute! Thanks so much for sharing the link with me, my jaw about dropped when I saw it, I really want to try this as soon as I have spare time-- which will probably be around Christmas haha.
I want to see yours when you're done!

& what the? I swear I was following... GFC has been so weird lately!

Kati Katzenfreak said...

What a great work. It inspires me very much. It would be easy to make a chair cushion.

Desert Thrift & Craft Shop