Thursday, December 29, 2011

Today's Thrifting Finds

It's been sooooooo long since I've gone thrifting...I took my sister with me the other day because we had some things to donate.

Here's what I found to bring home:

And I think that was it...but I'm stoked on my new sandals even if they are a little worn. I love the colors and I've been looking for red sandals and flats for-eh-vah. Yeah, that long.

Can't wait to get started on some new dessert stands!

Tomorrow I have a very long day planned.

1. Dentist for 2 fillings at 8am...looking forward to it. NOT.

2. New Year/Christmas party at my boss's house with co-workers. It's a wine Party and I can't drink cause:

3. I have to pick up my little sister from her boyfriend's alllllll the way in Hemet, or Nuevo, CA. I hear it's close to Hemet--and it's about an hour and a half away or so from Yucca. At least as far as I can remember. I haven't been toward Hemet it seems since I got my braces off, uhm--in 2007? That's a LONG time ago.

It's going to be an exhausting-ly long day. I can't wait to give my co-workers their gifts though!!

1 comment:

Niina - My Paper Chaos said...

Lovely finds! That Robot stamp is awesome :D

Have a nice weekend! //Niina

Desert Thrift & Craft Shop