Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Project

This Morning, I'm beginning a new project.

I'm going to start making more dessert/fancy snack trays, starting with this one. I just have to remove the stickers, wash 'em up all nice and shiny and then glue them together with my fancy ceramic adhesive.

I love the blue cherry plates I found. I need to do a little more hunting for nice plates and glass candy bowls. I love the way glass and ceramic go so beautifully together.

Maybe I'll find some plates today?!

Can't wait to get started!

Oh, and I'm super excited about all the rad new scrap booking stuff I received for Christmas gifts! And I've been putting off buying storage drawers from Wally-World but now that I see I've made a gi-normous mess of my crafting corner, I think it's time to bite the bullet and get them already. Maybe just 2 to begin with. Right now, everything is either on top of desk, or surrounding it in brown boxes and I can never seem to find anything. I need to get organized and have a system.

Any suggestions?

Happy New Years Eve!!

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