Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Project

This Morning, I'm beginning a new project.

I'm going to start making more dessert/fancy snack trays, starting with this one. I just have to remove the stickers, wash 'em up all nice and shiny and then glue them together with my fancy ceramic adhesive.

I love the blue cherry plates I found. I need to do a little more hunting for nice plates and glass candy bowls. I love the way glass and ceramic go so beautifully together.

Maybe I'll find some plates today?!

Can't wait to get started!

Oh, and I'm super excited about all the rad new scrap booking stuff I received for Christmas gifts! And I've been putting off buying storage drawers from Wally-World but now that I see I've made a gi-normous mess of my crafting corner, I think it's time to bite the bullet and get them already. Maybe just 2 to begin with. Right now, everything is either on top of desk, or surrounding it in brown boxes and I can never seem to find anything. I need to get organized and have a system.

Any suggestions?

Happy New Years Eve!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Today's Thrifting Finds

It's been sooooooo long since I've gone thrifting...I took my sister with me the other day because we had some things to donate.

Here's what I found to bring home:

And I think that was it...but I'm stoked on my new sandals even if they are a little worn. I love the colors and I've been looking for red sandals and flats for-eh-vah. Yeah, that long.

Can't wait to get started on some new dessert stands!

Tomorrow I have a very long day planned.

1. Dentist for 2 fillings at 8am...looking forward to it. NOT.

2. New Year/Christmas party at my boss's house with co-workers. It's a wine Party and I can't drink cause:

3. I have to pick up my little sister from her boyfriend's alllllll the way in Hemet, or Nuevo, CA. I hear it's close to Hemet--and it's about an hour and a half away or so from Yucca. At least as far as I can remember. I haven't been toward Hemet it seems since I got my braces off, uhm--in 2007? That's a LONG time ago.

It's going to be an exhausting-ly long day. I can't wait to give my co-workers their gifts though!!

Gold Fever...

Since Cory went with a friend on a prospecting adventure a couple of months ago--he's developed gold fever.

Twice I've gone with him to collect pails of dirt from a certain wash on the back-way to Big Bear in hopes of finding gold. And we have! A few little pieces yesterday we went back to gather more lucky dirt from the same wash so that Cory can run it through the dry washer in hopes of finding more of this little, yellow buried treasure.

It's kind of neat actually--and while I was lugging a pail of dirt back to the truck last night, I got this weird sense of an aura was surrounding me and this little metal bucket of mine. I felt like it had a really good vibe.

It was absolutely gorgeous well as yesterday. I can't wait to go again this weekend.

Oh! And Cory hasn't dry washed and panned the dirt we brought home last night just yet. I'm sure he'll dig into it the minute he gets home from work though!

I'll let you know what he finds--maybe someday we'll find enough to pay for the fancy metal detector he so desperately wants, lol. Until then, we'll just have to settle for the mini treasure hunt we're on at the moment.

Check out this video we found on You Tube the other night--ridiculous!

(Sorry...there's a bit profanity in this one)

Neither one of us would have to work again if we had his luck and that awesome metal detector!...oh, and I guess we would have to visit Australia to find these suckers!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Morning Pinterest

 So, I was bitten by the Pinterest bug a few months ago--Thanks Angie. I'm now obsessed.

Follow me on Pinterest!'s time to get ready for my super duper, anxiety provoking, long-awaited dentist appointment.


Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas...The Morning After

So, it's over. This realization made me die a little bit this morning. But really, it's only over until next year.

And guess what?!!

It's almost next year! I plan to get started on Christmas shopping and crafting early in 2012. Yes, I think this qualifies as a New Years resolution.

So here goes...
my New Years Resolution List (In no particular order):

1. Begin Christmas Shopping and Crafting Early
2. Eat Healthier
3. Read more than 1 book 
(I'm horrible at finishing books. I get so distracted).
4. Get my papers for school finished early.
(I have a bad habit of procrastinating lately.)
5. Blog, blog. blog.
6. Call my best friend more. I'm really bad at keeping in touch. It's like I live in my own little world. This may just be a Character flaw.
7. Get a new camera!
8. Kiss Cory goodnight every night.

And...I'm sure more things will come to mind later.

What are your resolutions for 2012?

Happy New Year!!!

DIY Christmas Continued...

I totally forgot that I took pictures of some of the projects I worked on for Christmas a few weeks ago. I found them this morning when I was trying to get my camera to work properly...I totally need a new camera--STAT!

Maybe I'll find a good deal this week in all the after Christmas sales. We'll see.

I decorated some little notebooks
for our student workers at the library.

I tried making my own little notepad: I read something on a crafting website that said mod podge works well for binding note pads. I think it works well, but it gets a little crispy when it dries so if you aren't careful the pages will crack off the pad. I made this one to put in brother's stocking this year.

A journal I made for my sister--she's an artist and loves to doodle. She paints too but I'm not sure she's painted much lately. I really liked the colors of this project. She likes classic looks, especially anything that has to do with Audrey Hepburn so I decided to use tiffany blue, black and white. And one of her favorite colors is pink so I added a tiny bit of pretty pink lace.
This was also sort of a stocking stuffer, or extra gift.

Did anyone else do any DIY/crafting projects for gifts this year? I would love to see some! And I' always looking for more ideas so please share!!

Happy New Year!

Friday, December 23, 2011

DIY Gifts

This year, many of the gifts I'm giving are made by me...I think people appreciate them more...and they are unique. You can't get them in a store :) At least I would rather get something handmade.

Here's one of the projects I've been working on:

Wine Glass Charms (Front & Back)

It's a little bit messy around these parts...

Other projects I've worked on but didn't get pictures of:
- A collage set for a co-worker: she has a craft room and loves anything handmade, especially art.
- Another set of wine glass charms for my boss: she's in a wine club and loves anything related.
- A Notepad: stocking stuffer idea for my brother
- A journal for my sister: she's an artist
- A scrapbook for a co-worker: a request.

I think that's it so far--I've been pretty productive lately and I', totally stoked about my time off from work and school. This Christmas is going to be the best yet!

Happy Holidays and for those who are traveling: may your travels be safe and swift.  

Monday, December 19, 2011

Last Night Was Rough

Many women suffer from migraines...I used to get them much more frequently years ago but I blame birth control for that. I haven't taken birth control for nearly 2 years now and before I went without it, I tried many different ones and I realize I'm much happier and sane without. That's a personal choice though and I don't recommend being without unless you are using some other form of BC.

Anyway--this has nothing to with BC and more to do with Migraines. If anyone reading this has found something (non-chemical or prescription related) please share. I'm all ears--or eyes?

My brother works at a Country Club and every year they have an employee/family holiday party. Each year my brother invites one of us sisters...there are 4 of us...this year I was his date. It was fun, and usually is, although last night I wasn't feeling my best and quickly developed a bad migraine before the end of the party. I felt terrible leaving my brother inside to hangout without his date but I desperately needed to lie down and try to sleep it off. 

I hobbled out to my car, in was very dark outside and we were right up against the mountains where I know bobcats and coyotes live. I heard all sorts of strange noises around me and I was doing my best to at least make it to my car before getting sick. 

I made it, locked myself inside, turned on the heater and tried to sleep. As soon as I got to sleep, my brother scared the life out of me trying to get inside the car--and then it was time to take him home and begin my 20 minute drive back "up the hill" to Yucca Valley. It was THE WORST drive I have EVER had....I was desperate to make it home without having to pull over onto the side of the road because it was very dark and very cold outside. Plus, I didn't want to have to deal with any Highway Patrol or whomever would stop to see if I was okay. I was choking the entire time...trying not to get sick on myself.

Gross, I know.

I finally made it home but when I tried to open my car door, it was locked. I tried and tried to get the dang thing unlocked but it was stuck and I really needed to get out! I crawled out the passenger side and ran in the house as fast as I could, up the stairs and into the bathroom and made it just in time! I have never felt so sick and relieved at the same time.

Things still felt weird this morning. I couldn't even hold down water. And I couldn't call out of work because it was just me and the boss this morning at the library. It was horrible but I got through it.

My grandpa even called me this morning to see how I was feeling--I'm sure my brother told them I had a few drinks, so they probably think I was driving home drunk and was hungover this morning. Sooooo not the case. It was a migraine. I guess having a migraine is sort of like having a really bad hangover...only without the alcohol. Ugh. I've had enough of these dang things. They have ruined perfectly wonderful events--events that only happen once, like weddings and baby showers, and graduations. It really sucks. And I never know when one is going to attack.

So again, if anyone has any advice...please share you knowledge with me. I will try anything!! Nothing has worked for me. And I don't have medical insurance, so I can't take prescriptions or even go to the Doc.

The beautiful sky last night as
I drove "down the hill" from YV to Desert Hot Springs.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Late October...Early November

I don't know exactly what it is about this time of year...but I am totally in love with it. I can break out my scarves, shop for cute boots and new sweaters...wear mittens and enjoy endless cups of coffee sweetened with egg nog, hot chocolate and apple cider. The air is different and southern california smells wonderful and inviting...

Here are a few pics of happenings around Cassie-land lately.

1-5 A trip to Big Bear with Cor to;
-drive our new car
-enjoy the fall leaves
-see how cool Big Bear was compared to Yucca was gorgeous!
-hang out for the day :)

6 Beast thinking he's gonna go for a cruise in Cor's lego buggie

7-9 I have been making and signing a whole bunch of Halloween theme deco books--FUN!

I'm sorry that I'm such a bad blogger lately...I really wish I had the time to get back into the swing of blogging. I promise I will not forget about bloggerland. It just might take me a while to catch up.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Daydreaming of My Own Home

While poking around on pinterest...I found myself daydreaming of my own home. One of these days Cory and I will have a place of our very own to call home.

(none of these photos are my own and I do not take credit for them)

photo from

in need of love...but perfect.

Some my good things will all fall into place and my dreams will come true. Even if we have to build it ourselves ♥

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bad Blogger....and an Update

So...I'm sorry that I'm a bad blogger. School started about a month ago and we are already into mid-terms :( Plus I've had some car issues for the past 2 months but that's all over, thank goodness!! Mama got a new car! to me anyway. But no more worrying about whether I'm going to make it to and from work, or if I'm going to stranded...and have to pay $200 for a dang tow because my AAA only covers 7 miles! 7 Miles? Where can you go in 7 miles?! Geez...I work 2 jobs, both of which are out of town AND I go to school about an hour and twenty minutes from my house. I cannot be without a car...thank goodness for my sweet mother in law for letting me borrow her car on the days I have school.

So anyway, things are great now. I'm still a bit overwhelmed with not having enough time but this too shall pass. Otherwise, everything is going great.

I have much to share with you, I just have to get ALL of my photos uploaded to photobucket and then I can start sharing them with ya. :)

For now, here are the ones I managed to get up and edit on Sunday:

 Irwin always finds the weirdest, most uncomfortable places and positions to sleep in...

Although, he looks pretty comfy and content here, lol.

Gorgeous flower arrangements for Angie's wedding in September...
a few more pics to come ♥

A small pile of homework the first week of I take up the entire floor!

Mortoise the Tortoise finds his way into places he shouldn't be...this is how I found him when I came home from work one day.

My new car...I love it to death. I wish so badly that I could tell you I won't smash this one up like I did my Del Sol, but I'm a really bad driver. Who knows what could happen.

A recent ATC swap I sent out...I think these are my favorit ATCs so far.

A Desert themed package (including some decos to pass on)for a new swapping friend in Canada. Hope she likes what I've put together for her :)

Bits & Pieces ATC swap...made from "bits & peices" or scraps of paper I had lying around from other swaps. Sorry the color is out of whack. I think I took this pic at night.

There you have it. A few pics of recent happenings in my world.

More to come...Cory and I took a day trip to Big Bear on Sunday and I have yet to upload those gorgeous photos.

Happy Tuesday and Have an awesome week!

Desert Thrift & Craft Shop