Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Idea Board for Much Wanted Owl Tattoo

Somehow these bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush would be incorporated into my owl tattoo...not sure how, I'm open to ideas!

I was thinking a background of sorts, and then the owl would be perched on a joshua tree branch or something to that nature.

Any thoughts?

It would be relatively large...on my side.

I so want this! Can't wait to have it done--uhm, maybe this june? Or maybe Spring 2 weeks??!!


Ariel Tyler Henley said...

If you've gotten it already, post pictures! Otherwise, black and white would be cool!

Dearest Lou said...

I absolutely love owls! I think what's most important when getting a tattoo is thinking about it until you LOVE the idea and are positive you'd be happy having it on your body for the rest of your life (: Once you think of something wait a couple of months and see if you still like it then.

Also I noticed that you have my old blog button on your side bar (legen-wait for it- dary) I stopped blogging for a few months last summer and picked up once I got married again. I would love if you checked out my new blog (;


fashioneggpplant said...

that would make such a beautiful tattoo! :)

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