Saturday, May 14, 2011

What My ♥ Brought Home

Look how tiny it is!! Isn't this THE cutest little snake that you've ever seen?

We let him go a few minutes ago.
He was neat--didn't try to bite at all.

If only they stayed small...


Katie Marie said...

Oh my gosh he's so tiny! Fun!

Morgan//Nuts and Bows said...

Oh my he is so little! Thats so fun!

Meet Virginia Design
Check out my $50 Giveaway from Shopkempt!

Anonymous said...

sooo small, cute:-)

Mrs. A said...

What kind was he?

Cassie Nafziger said...

He was a little Gopher Snake :) They are so fun-little balls of energy though. Definately can't cuddle with them-it was trying to hide in my hair!

Desert Thrift & Craft Shop